New Year...New Things!!
Seems I start out every year trying this blog thing, and do pretty good until the warmer weather sets in. Hopefully this year will be a bit different.
This will be mostly an online album of projects I've got going on and ideas for more projects.
Over the past couple months, I've become more active on Ravelry, and I've been visiting other blogs. Check out the list of really creative people doing really creative things with yarn, thread, and fabric.
Stop in from time to time...can't promise I'll have new posts every time, but I'll try.
Here's whats on the hooks so far:
This is for my Mother-In-Law and is done in Plymouth Encore (white and varigated) and RHSS in cornflower. Will also be adding Vanna's Choice in dark red.
This is for my step-daughter Kylee, and has proven to be a challenging pattern. It will be a lap-size afghan when its completed.
This is the lap-size afghan for Angel, the oldest of my 3 step-daughters. I will continue the granny stitch in the purples, aqua, cream, and lime green colors until it's large enough.
And this is for Kaitlyn, the middle step-daughter. The other 2 like the funky bright colors, Kaitlyn is more her own person with the colors she chose! Its actually coming along much nicer looking than I anticipated. I really like the effect the varigated black/gray/white gives it. Brings some excitement to it!!
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I'm also working on a cowl hoodie for my mom. She is a very tiny woman with health issues, and really can not take the cold at all when she needs to go out and about. I'm doing it in Loops & Threads Impeccable, color is "true blue", sorta a dusty light blue color. Just doing it in DC so far...may get bored and throw in the X DC stitch or add some of a contrasting varigated I have a partial skein of in blues and green blended together. I re-arranged my desk at work and its in need of some yarn therapy, so I'm itching to make a granny square tissue box cover and a pen/pencil caddy to warm it up some. Hopefully will get those done this weekend. I'll post pictures when I get them done.
I have so much on my "want to do" I made magic yarn balls out of scrap yarn and "not such great colors" yarn I had in my stash. I want to make a scrap round ripple like Debi Y . Here's what I have from my scrap balls... Both light and dark sage greens, pinks, purples, dark red, white, navy, mustardy yellow, and brown, all wound into big cakes. I think it will be fun just watching how it all stitches together!!